Album Release

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I was set up.

I was looking back at a blog entry from the day before the first day of school, 614 days ago.

Today is the first day after the last day of school.

It's funny- I have some of the same feelings I had from the day of that blog entry... excitement... gratitude... anticipation. So many possibilities in the air. Countless unknowns.

I've been walking in circles around my house this afternoon. Shifting gears. It's the shock of go-go-go-go-go-go-vacation. Well, "vacation." There's no more 7:30 harp class, but many projects are now on the front burner. Like the youtube backyard glitter project, for example! Stay tuned for that one. Still a few more weeks in Odessa.

Another thing on my mind today: "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged." Interesting idea... of someone going before me. Setting things up. Making the path straight. Honestly, I'm kinda nervous. this is an incredible community and an incredible job I'm leaving here in Odessa. I'm happy here.

I think the past 614 days have been a "set up," though. It could not have not been. There may just be someone going before me in France. Not to mention someone waiting for me.

Excitement... Gratitude... Anticipation

Monday, May 10, 2010

Opal's Song

I just had a moment in class.

So there's this 7th grade student who's a true sweetheart. He also likes to jump off roofs, play with his rottweiler, wear his hair in a green mohawk, and occasionally make people cry just to amuse himself.

Today he was the one in tears, though- his grandmother passed away yesterday. He had to come to school because his dad was working and the rest of his family was already out of town. It was one of those days in life when you just want to be home.

It was also the day in class when we were working on our compositions. The students were supposed to have a rough draft ready and we were entering their piece onto Finale with the classroom computer.

His piece had been floundering.... he had a puny two measures written out after a whole week of work. He said he had writers block.

"What was your grandma's name?"


"Write your piece for her."

Opal's Song. That's the title. Dude- he cranked out an amazing piece in about 20 minutes and totally finished it. He's coming back after school to record it and then play the recording at the funeral.

It didn't have to be the harp, and it didn't have to be me, but I'm thankful that this student was able to express himself today. What a beautiful piece of music!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Good night, April

April's been a good month. Intense and stressful... good stress.

I'm sitting on the balcony of a hotel room in Corpus Christi- the other side of the Republic. 2:40 AM. I'm here with nine students and two parents for a concert and recording session. Good times! We just rolled in, and I'm amped up on coffee. I hope I sleep some time tonight!

I have been so grateful for this month, and I'm sad to see it go. So many blog entries to catch up on! ...Permian Basin Harp Masterclass, UTPB world-record-breaking concert, Austin visit... For now-- good night, April. And thank you for the memories you've brought!